Watercolor, Acrylic & Ink - Letting Go


Letting Go


The Big Apple series, No. 2
15 x 15"
Watercolor, Ink, & Acrylic on Fabriano Artistico 140# Rough paper

Working in a series leads an artist in new directions, sometimes at the drop of a hat. What started out as an Appleworld painting took off and kept on going right into Applestraction. Imagine my surprise when the Apple that was stepping off a space ship onto a bold, new planet morphed into this. The texture did it. My texture was done with ink and the inking was positively addictive. It seduced me past the point of turning back.

I've never really played with texture/pattern much before, so it was fun--and frustrating, and scary. For me, learning something new always seems to involve all three. There were times fear and frustration had the upper hand. I may have pulled out some hair. That's the way of it, though; when you reach the hair-pulling, throw-it-against-a-wall stage, you have to believe in yourself. Keep going. I did, and this Apple is one of my favorites.

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